Main Theatre

Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society Professional Jam Featuring Larry Brown Quintet LIVE @ The Black Box

Event Details

Tickets $13 Non-members/$11 Members   Cash Only Purchase at door   Pianist Larry Brown leads one of the most accomplished straight-ahead jazz groups in the Northeast, He has performed at An Die Musik, Blues Alley, the Meyerhoff, the Kennedy Center, the Mid Atlantic Jazz Festival, East Coast Jazz Festival, Baltimore-Washington Jazz Fest, Alexandria Jazz Festival, Martha’s Vineyard Jazz Festival, Twins Jazz, Bohemian Caverns, the King Of France Tavern, just to name a few! The quintet, reprises the hard bop style of the legendary Blue Note era.   Larry’s quintet is recognized by the Washington Area Music Association (WAMA) as the Best Jazz Group for 2009. The group’s celebrated release, “Hard Bop Café” was recognized by WAMA as the Best Jazz Recording for 2006 with a “Wammie award.” A post be-bop jazz pianist, Larry lists his major influences as Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly, and Miles Davis. Larry Brown studied with Stan Kenton’s favorite arranger/composer, Hank Levy. He received his Bachelors Degree in Music Theory from Towson University. He continued his studies in Composition and Electronic Music with the legendary Emerson Myers at Catholic University where he received his Masters of Music Degree.     ** We are taking the fullest efforts to keep our shows clean and following all guidelines. These shows will be limited to only half capacity. Everyone must wear masks to enter and getting to your seats then you can remove, so please bring a mask**   We’re implementing several enhanced safety measures facility-wide to meet the needs of the time:   * We are reducing public capacity to 50%, managing physical distancing and limiting guest density at tables and seating across the Black Box in compliance with local and state government agencies guidelines. * You must bring a face covering. Guests are required to wear one to enter the Black Box and at all times. It may be removed only when you are seated. * We have provided all staff with enhanced safety training, reinforcing cleanliness and hygiene per current health & safety guidelines. Food & beverage staff are required to wear face coverings and gloves. * We have intensified cleaning with disinfectant spraying and wiping of all surfaces including door handles, tables, seating and electronic displays more frequently. We have also added hand sanitizers on counters and dispensers mounted on walls in the facility.

March 23, 2021 7:00 pm


*Fees Included.