Comedy Corner LIVE at the Black Box hosted by Casey Peruski and Spaz!
Saturday March 23rd at 8pm
Tickets $25 Advance $30 day of the show all table seating.
Seen on Open Bar Comedy, NBC, CBS and The Never-Ending Comedy Tour! Patrick Garrity is a comedic composer who has orchestrated symphonies of laughter with versatility on stage that makes him an easy fit for any audience. Starting comedy at an early age, Garrity has developed into a veteran of the road. His comedy has earned him a reputation as a talented comic with a bright future from club owners and audiences alike. Garrity has been seen on NBC. His cutting edge comedy and impressions, combined with a great sense of timing and wit make Garrity a must-see comedian. His show is intensely funny. Garrity has
appeared on NBC and CBS’ Comedy Night School.
Chris Robinson is a nationally tour comedian. Originally from New York he got his start in Florida. He has an album produced by Comedy Dynamics titled “The 60/40 Rules” He has also been seen on Xfinity Funny Not Famous and The Lowdown!